Jeanine De Landtsheer

Jeanine De Landtsheer (1954-2021) obtained her PhD in Classics from KU Leuven in 1993 with a critical edition of Justus Lipsius’s correspondence of the year 1593. Her research focused on early modern epistolography and historiography, and particularly on Justus Lipsius. She published numerous books and scores of articles about the humanist’s life and work, and came to be known as one of the greatest Lipsius specialists of her generation. Furthermore, she published Dutch translations of various works by Erasmus, such as the Colloquia and Adagia.


In Pursuit of the Muses
  • Series: Colibri. Collected Studies in History and Literature
  • Edited by: Marijke Crab & Ide François
  • ISBN: 9789464447606
  • Published: 2021/11
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