John Monfasani

John Monfasani (PhD Columbia) has a broad interest in European intellectual history, with a focus on the Renaissance. He has published mainly on Quattrocento humanists, particularly Bessarion and Trapezuntius. His George of Trebizond. A Biography and a Study of His Rhetoric and Logic (Leiden 1976) was followed by Collectanea Trapezuntiana (Binghamton 1984) and Vindicatio Aristotelis. Two Works of George Trebizond in the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the Fifteenth Century (2021). He has been the Executive Director of the Renaissance Society of America from 1995 to 2010.


Domicilium sapientiae
  • Series: Colibri. Collected Studies in History and Literature
  • Edited by: Luca Boschetto, Jeroen De Keyser, Fabio Della Schiava, Clementina Marsico
  • ISBN: 9789464447644
  • Published: 2021/11
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